Ophonus puncticollis


(Paykull, 1798)
Size: 6.5-9mm
Basic colour: Mid-brown to nearly black.
Pronotoum: Variable. 1.3-1.4 times as wide as long. Sometimes very wide, with convex disc and sides variable sinuate in front of sharp hind angles. Base finely bordered, sides with at least two long setae; disc with exceptionally strong but widely scattered punctures.
Leg colour: Mid to dark brown.
Confusion species: Ophonus azureus
, Confusion species: Ophonus melletii
, Confusion species: Ophonus parallelus

Omophron limbatum


(Fabricius, 1777)
Size: 5-6.5mm
Basic colour: Pale yellow/brown.
Pattern colour: Metallic green markings on pronotum and elytra.
Pronotoum: Imovable, covering scutellum.
Leg colour: Pale cream.

Known from flooded gravel pits at Rye Harbour, East Sussex and between Dungeness and Lydd, Kent; Norfolk and Suffolk. Sometimes locally abundant. Does not occur in Ireland.


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