Ophonus melletii


(Heer, 1837/8)

Common name: 

Mellet's Downy-back
Size: 6-8mm
Basic colour: Mid to dark brown.
Pattern colour: Elytra usually darker than head or pronotum.
Pronotoum: 1.3-1.4 times wide as long. Sides moderately sinuate, with one long or two or three small lateral setae in anterior half. Disc finally but evenly punctured. Base straight, hind angles only slightly obtuse. Basal border usually present at least laterally but sometimes very indistinctly.
Leg colour: Pale brown.
Confusion species: Ophonus parallelus
, Confusion species: Ophonus puncticollis
, Confusion species: Ophonus rufibarbis


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