Pogonus luridipennis (Germar, 1822)

Taxonomy: Adephaga > Carabidae > Pogonus > Pogonus luridipennis

Common name: 

Yellow Pogonus


Size: 6-8.5mm
Basic colour: Head and pronotum bright green, with golden reflections. Elytra pale brown to yellow.
Pattern colour: Dark triangular patch behind scutellum.
Pronotoum: Transverse.
Leg colour: Pale brown to yellow.

UK Priority Species data collation Pogonus luridipennis


Status: Very scarce. Local in Lincolnshire, Norfolk and Suffolk, south coast of England and Severn estuary.
UKBAP Species: Yes
Habitat: Clay coastal marshes and tidal reaches, under litter and seaweed.
Other notes: Elytral striae distinct to apex. Wings present and usually visible through the elytra.

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)