Harpalus honestus (Duftschmid, 1812)

Taxonomy: Adephaga > Carabidae > Harpalus > Harpalus > Harpalus honestus

Common name: 

St. Bees Seed-eater


Harpalus honestus
John Walters
Harpalus honestus
John Walters
Harpalus honestus
Lech Borowiec


Size: 8.5-10.5mm
Basic colour: Green or bluish green, shining (male) or dull (female).
Pronotoum: Sides narrowed and slightly sinuate in front of the sharp, rectangular hind angles.
Leg colour: Black sometimes with brown tarsi.
Confusion species: Harpalus rufipalpis

UK Priority Species data collation Harpalus honestus.


Status: Currently known from one (probably introduced) population in Whitehaven, West Cumbria. Formerly extremely local in southern and south-west England until 1905.
RDB Category: Critically endangered
UKBAP Species: Yes
Habitat: Sandy and chalky cliffs and grasslands.
Other notes: Eltra elongate, striae deep in male, finer in female, seventh interval with three or four sub-apical punctures. Wings absent.


Luff, M.L., Read, R.W.J. & Copestake, D. (1997). Harpalus honestus (Duftschmid) (Carabidae) discovered in Cumbria. The Coleopterist 6(2): 76.

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)