Chrysolina cerealis (Linnaeus, 1767)

Taxonomy: Polyphaga > Chrysomeloidea > Chrysomelidae > Chrysolina > Chrysolina cerealis

Common name: 

Rainbow Leaf Beetle


Size: 7-8mm
Basic colour: Bands of metallic green, blue and gold/red
Pattern colour: Head, pronotum and elytra with bands of metallic green, blue and gold/red
Number of spots: None
Pronotoum: Bands of metallic green, blue and gold/red
Leg colour: Dark metallic greenish-bronze
Confusion species: Chrysolina americana

Only known from Snowdon and nearby montane grassland. There is a UK biodiversity Action Plan (UKBAP) page here.


Status: Endangered (RDB1), UKBAP species.
Habitat: Montane grassland on and near Snowdon.
Host plant: Wild thyme (Thymus polytrichus)
Overwintering: As any stage, but mostly as larvae.
Food: Flowers (in preference) and leaves of wild thyme.

Distribution (may take a minute to appear)