Phaedon cochleariae


(Fabricius, 1792)

Common name: 

Water-cress Beetle
Size: 3-4mm
Basic colour: Bright metallic blue, sometimes purplish, rarely bronze-brown or brassy.
Pattern colour: None
Number of spots: None
Other colour forms: Sometimes
Pronotoum: As basic colour
Leg colour: As basic colour
Confusion species: Phaedon armoraciae
, Confusion species: Phaedon concinnus

Clytra laeviuscula


Ratzeburg, 1837
Size: 7.5-11.5mm
Basic colour: Red/orange-red and black.
Pattern colour: Pronotum black, elytra red/orange-red (rarely yellow) with black spots
Number of spots: 6 (3 per elytron), though usually appears to be 4 as the posterior spots are generally fused; the shoulder spots are smaller than those on the disc which when fused almost form a transverse band. Several variations occur, ranging from the discal spots being absent to being fully fused including across the elytral suture.
Spot fusions: Very common
Other colour forms: Rare
Pronotoum: Black

Gastrophysa polygoni


(Linnaeus, 1758)
Size: 3.9-5.0mm
Basic colour: Metallic blue or violet (rarely green) with pronotum, legs and antennal segments 1-4 orange-red
Pattern colour: None
Number of spots: None
Other colour forms: Rare
Pronotoum: Orange-red
Leg colour: Orange-red with variably dark tarsi


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