Abax parallelus (Duftschmid, 1812)



Now considered to be a non-established introduction so removed from checklist.

Size: 13.8-19.0mm
Basic colour: Shiny black.
Confusion species: Abax parallelepipedus


Status: Casual immigrant to the Isles of Scilly.
Other notes: Elytral basal stria is normally missing. Last tarsal segments without bristles on their underside


Gillett, M.P.T. (1992). Metoecus paradoxus (L.) (Rhiphoridae) - more parts to the puzzle. The Coleopterist 1(1): 4.
Cooter, J. (1992). Leiodes strigipenne Daffner (Leiodidae) in Britain. The Coleopterist 1(2): 4.
Winter, T. (1992). Liparthrum mandibulare Wollaston (Scolytidae) in Guernsey. The Coleopterist 1(2): 28.
Pitman, A.J. (1992). Distribution of the Wharf-borer, Nacerdes melanura L. (Oedemeridae). The Coleopterist 1(3): 26.
Owen, J.A. (1992). High-altitude Meloe with presumed high-altitude host. The Coleopterist 1(1): 5.
Hodge, P.J. (1992). Anobium inexspectatum Lohse (Anobiidae) in Cumberland. The Coleopterist 1(2): 4.
Winter, T. (1992). From rarity to pest?. The Coleopterist 1(2): 29.
Read, R.W.J. (1992). Swimming in Phaedon cochleariae (F.) (Chrysomelidae). The Coleopterist 1(3): 27.
(1987). Contribution à la connaissance des Cassidinae de France. Étude de leur spermathèque (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Nouvelle Revue d’Entomologie 4(2): 161-176.
(1986). The British species of Bruchidius Schilsky (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Entomologist’s Gazette 37: 181-193.
(1984). Contribution à l’étude des espèces d’Afrique du Nord du genre Phyllotreta (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Nouvelle Revue d’Entomologie 1(3): 243-265.
(1981). Notes on the biology of Orsodacne Latreille with a subfamily key to the larvae of the British Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera). Entomologist’s Gazette 32: 123-135.
(1976). Notes on some British Chrysomelidae (Col.) including amendments and additions to the list. Entomologist’s Record and Journal of Variation 88: 220-225.
(1975). Longitarsus jacobaeae Waterhouse (Col., Chrysomelidae) identity and distribution. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 111: 33-39.
(1971). Larvae of the Leaf-beetles (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of the European Part of the USSR. Opredeliteli po Faune SSSR, Izdavaemye Zoologicheskim Muzeem Akademii Nauk, Leningrad 106: 1-124.
(1967). The British species of the genus Longitarsus Latreille (Col., Chrysomelidae).. Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 103: 83-110.
(1962). The British species of the genus Haltica Geoffroy (Col., Chrysomelidae). Entomologist’s Monthly Magazine 98: 189-196.
(1950). The British species of the genera Pyrrhalta Joannis and Galerucella Crotch (Col., Chrysomelidae). Journal of the Society for British Entomology 3: 150-156.


Distribution (may take a minute to appear)