Articles of The Coleopterist

The contents list below is currently complete up to volume 30 (2021). The information that is available can be searched using the filter boxes below - fill in one or more of the search boxes and then click on "Apply". See also the downloadable cumulative species index (also complete up to vol 30).

Back issues: volumes 1 to 9 are available to download. Other hard-copy back issues are available from Peter Hodge at £4 per volume plus postage at cost - please contact Peter to arrange orders.

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Volume 25(2), 2016
92 Further records and notes on weevils (Curculionoidea) in the Isles of Scilly M.G. Morris
Volume 25(1), 2016
1 Oxythyrea funesta (Poda) (Scarabaeidae) established in Britain Stefan Harrison
3 Ernobius gallicus Johnson (Ptinidae) apparently established at Brooklands, Surrey Tom Harrison
4 Curculio nucum Linnaeus (Curculionidae) new to Ireland Brian Nelson
5 Xyleborus monographus (Fabricius) (Curculionidae) in Bristol Ray Barnett
7 Velleius dilatatus (Fabricius) (Staphylinidae) and other notable beetles from North Devon Martin L. Luff and Robert Wolton
10 The mallow flea beetle, Podagrica fuscicornis (Linnaeus) (Chrysomelidae) – feeding on Hoheria and Sidalcea (Malvaceae), new host records Andrew Salisbury and Peter Jones
11 The colonisation of stoat carrion by Nicrophorus spp. (Silphidae) Peter Sutton
16 Amara strenua Zimmermann (Carabidae) new for Surrey (VC 17), in river floodplain grassland, and a further record from coastal grassland in S. Hampshire (VC 11) Scotty Dodd
23 The mass emergence of Hoplia philanthus Fuessly (Scarabaeidae) Trevor G. Forsythe and Gillian W. Forsythe
